L2Phx Tutorial [Download L2PacketHack]

Download L2Phx Aion
>>Click a picture to see "How to config L2phx"<<

Hello guys. I’m no expert on L2PacketHack but this is what I've learned (mostly on my own) thus far.
I haven’t tried it on Aion 2.6 - 2.5 version but hopefully it might work.
I’m posting some of my findings here to help and also learn with some of you guys some more ways of using this promising program.

Here’s a small tutorial I’ve made for it, just remember THE PROGRAM IS DETECTED BY MOST ANTIVIRUS AS A VIRUS BUT IT ISN'T (its a bit like WPE Pro for those who've used it in WOW)

L2phx (L2PacketHack)Tutorial :
1- Download file from: mmoelites.com
>> L2PacketHack <<  Credit : Snowfall
2- Open program
3- Click File --> Settings (see first if it is correctly configured- see pic1)
4- Type your AION username and password at bottom where it says “Authorization is necessary” and save.
5- Start AION and logon
6- If all is correct L2phx should start receiving packet logs
7- now u can start testing packets you receive. Here’s the first freebie

a. For Spiritmasters Fire Spirit near invincibility:
i. Sumon Fire Spirit
ii. Press 2 times over Rest button of Fire Spirit and go check your packets
iii. Look for packet repeat packet (mine was like"DC........" (orange packets are the ones u want, might have a different packet name) and right click on it and choose ‘Add this packet to packet sender’

IF IT GIVES ERROR GO TO FILE AND CHOOSE ‘Reload data from ini files'

iv. Now go to packet send, decrease interval and press Clock icon to send packet repeatedly and Fire Spirit should be close to invincible

8- Now with a little imagination you might find lots of nice hacks

Have fun.